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Emily Biggerstaff RD, LD - Registered DietitianEmily Biggerstaff RD, LD - Registered Dietitian
Emily Biggerstaff RD, LD - Registered Dietitian
Emily Biggerstaff RD, LD - Registered Dietitian

HRMC's Nutrition and Dietary Services are dedicated to providing patients, staff, and visitors of the hospital with nutritional service. The role of the Nutrition and Dietary Department, as members of the care team, is to integrate clinical nutrition services with delicious food and hospitable service for patients and staff.

The Nutrition and Dietary staff includes a Registered Dietitian, a certified Dietary Manager, and ServSafe® personnel.

Good nutrition is an essential part of staying healthy. HRMC's Nutrition and Dietary Department helps patients learn how to maintain strength while undergoing procedures or during an illness with the counsel of our dietitian.

A dietitian is available to all patients for dietetic counseling and can help patients with the following:

Identify nutritional needs
Address specific eating problems that may arise
Individualize meal plans to patient's specific needs
Help patients sort through and understand the large quantity of nutritional information available and identify what may be helpful or harmful for their special needs.

Following a well balanced diet and maintaining your proper weight can help:

Maintain Strength
Improve tolerance of treatments
Decrease infection
Decrease adverse side effects
Protect the body's previous nutrient

To schedule an appointment with the dietitian, call 803-943-1290.