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No incoming calls. Phones are out AGAIN, so sorry, we are working to secure a more reliable vendor. The below lines are always on and should be shared with everyone. HRMC 803.903.1920 rings the Operator ext. 1000 | ED 803.903.1929 | CPPC 803.903.1921 | CPPA 803.903.1922 | Rehab 803.903.1923

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Visitor Information

Amended Visitation Policy

  • Access to the hospital will remain controlled.
  • Patients and visitors will only be able to enter the building through the ER entrance.
  • Any visitor who, based on screening, is deemed at risk for COVID-19 or who presents with any signs and symptoms of an acute illness will not be allowed to visit at that time.
  • Visitation for ALL patients including ICU, ED, Outpatient and Inpatient will be limited to one (1) visitor. The hospital requests that the designated visitor be the same each day and that all visitors refrain from exiting and re-entering the building during the day.
  • All patient visitors will be issued a special ID badge which must always remain visible to hospital staff. The badge must be returned to the ER screening booth when the visitor leaves the building.
  • Visitors will be expected to remain in the designated room/location of the patient that they are visiting or accompanying. For example, Inpatient visitors should remain in the room with the patient. ED visitors should remain in the ED exam room with the patient or the ED waiting area. Any person accompanying anyone for surgery will need to wait in the main hospital lobby.
  • Visitors will have access to public restrooms.
  • All visitors will be required to wear a mask while in the hospital. The hospital will supply one mask to each visitor if the visitor does not have a personal mask of their own.

Suggestions to All Visitors

Keep conversations with the patient related to subjects that will not upset the patient. Be positive and supportive. Be aware that there may be restrictions concerning the patient's diet. Please ask a staff member before giving the patient anything to eat or drink. Every effort is made to protect each patient's dignity, modesty and confidentiality. If unsure of the patient's location, please ask for assistance before looking in different rooms.

The Intensive Care Unit at Hampton Regional Medical Center is for patients requiring more frequent medical and nursing assessments and intervention according to their physical condition. The unit is designed with specialized equipment to meet the needs of more critically ill patients. Our ICU staff consists of specially trained physicians, nurses and respiratory therapists and is supported by radiology, laboratory, dietary, pharmacy and housekeeping.

We understand that having a loved one in the hospital with a serious injury or illness can be a difficult experience. Our goal is to help make this hospital stay as stress-free and comfortable as possible.

Family Communication/Contact Person for ICU Patient

One family member should be designated as the "contact person" for the entire family. This individual will be contacted for questions or changes in the patient's condition and should be able to share this information with the rest of the family/friends. The contact person should be the only person calling the ICU for updates in the patient's condition.

Flowers, Plants, Gifts and Personal Items

We realize visitors like to bring or send flowers and gifts. Cards and one balloon are welcome; however, due to the possibility of germ and insect contamination, flowers, plants and fruit baskets are NOT allowed in the ICU.

Patients may have the following items in their room while in the ICU: eyeglasses, dentures, hearing aids, battery-operated radios, battery-operated razors, books and magazines.

Visiting Hours of ICU







The HRMC healthcare team recognizes and supports the important role families play in the recovery of their loved ones. We appreciate your cooperation with our established visiting hours and the trust you place in us to provide the best care possible. Visiting hours are guided by the needs of the patient, families, and unit conditions. Visiting time is limited to ONE visitor a day. Visitation is NOT permitted in the ICU from 6:30am to 8:00am and from 6:30pm to 8:00pm, to ensure confidentiality of all patients during change of shifts. All patients who are ill or recovering must be taken into consideration. We encourage you to check with the charge nurse prior to visiting to ensure your visit occurs at the most appropriate time.

Visitors are restricted to immediate family members, significant others, or clergy of the patient, unless otherwise authorized by the patient's family. Children are welcome with the understanding that this is a hospital and in a medical setting. For that reason, children under the age of 12 are not allowed in the unit. Please do not leave children unattended in the waiting area. All visitors are required to check in at the nurse's desk outside of the ICU prior to admittance.

Contact Us With Your Questions

If you have questions concerning visiting hours or to find the best times to visit your friends and family members feel free to contact us on the East Wing at 803-914-2041, the West Wing at 803-914-2042, or the ICU at 803-914-2040.